22 January 1990
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description.
This commercial item description covers a slit light consisting of a binocular microscope, a slit illumination system and accessories required to perform detailed examination of the tissue and media of the living human eye. The mechanical design shall provide for rapid, smooth operation of the binocular microscope and the slit illumination system, either separately or simultaneously, during the examination.
Salient characteristics:
The slit lamp shall consist of a binocular microscope, a slit illumination system and the following accessories: one fixation device, one Goldman applanation tonometer, two objective lenses: 1x and 1.6x, 100 chin rest tissues, and one instrument table top.
Binocular Microscope.
The binocular microscope shall be of the horizontal, stereoscopic, straight tube type. Shall maintain a parfocal image when changing powers. Shall have a magnification changing system with at least three viewing magnifications of 10x, 16x and 25X. These magnifications may be achieved through 2 eyepieces of 10X and 16x or an appropriate combination of eyepieces to achieve the proper viewing magnifications.
The binocular microscope and slit illumination system shall operate separately or simultaneously during an examination.
The Eyepiece focus-adjustment shall have a minimum range of ~ 5 Diopters.
The interpupillary distance adjustment shall be continuously variable and include the range from 55 mm to 75 mm.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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